Healing Through Creative Expression
Sun, Aug 23
|Online Event
Self-expression transforms our lives. It allows a profound shift in consciousness when we share our inner truths. Expressing our inner most feelings allows old emotional wounds to heal. Taking an honest and creative look at what we hold inside reduces stress.

Time & Location
Aug 23, 2020, 7:00 PM
Online Event
About the event
Join Ms. Cherisma, LPN as she leads us through the process of “Healing Through Creative Expression.” She will use writing to bring light that glows from within. Which will have a positive impact on all areas of our lives.
The Power of Expressing your inner self:
Be honest with yourself, Release physical tension, Heal old emotional wounds, Clear mind, Live your best life.
Transactional Writing: Letters That Heal
Exercise: Write a letter to someone you want to share your feelings with: (choose one below)
Compassion letter, Empathy letter, Gratitude letter, Granting Forgiveness letter, Asking Forgiveness letter
Be prepared to discuss and share (Sharing is optional). Pen and paper needed for this exercise.
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Topic: Healing Through Creative Expression Time: Aug 23, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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